Thank you for registering for
The Kindness Games.
How it works:
1) From February 9th through May 10th, the Just Be Kind App (available in Apple and Android app stores) will track all acts of kindness posted from individuals at participating schools (that's you!).
2) Encourage your students and staff to DOWNLOAD THE JUST BE KIND APP (App Info here) on their individual devices to begin logging acts of kindness they witness others doing and/or the acts of kindness they read or hear about on social media or in the news.
3) When registering for the app, every person MUST enter the name of your school EXACTLY the same to be calculated together for a final total. For example: JFK vs. John F. Kennedy High School. Please choose which name you would like your students and staff to register with and advise them of this prior to registering for the app.
4) The school with the most participants and with the most acts of kindness in each category at the end of the games will win (based on percentage of school enrollment). Easy as that.
5) What should you do first? Figure out how best to communicate this program with your students and staff - email, newsletter, school announcements, teachers, parents, etc., and then make sure everyone knows your registered school name so that they have it when downloading the app, and, lastly, ask that everyone download the Just Be Kind app so that they're ready to begin posting any time from February 9th to May 10th.