Thank you for signing up to present Be Kind Stick Together® to your program members.
Here's what you need to do next:
1) Download the program details, full curriculum and video links below.
You will need to download the materials to present the program. Do it now, before you close this window. :)
These materials tell you exactly what to do - step by step. There's even a tutorial video.
*Keep in mind, your older (high-school) program members can present to the younger members. It's fun!
Download HERE from Dropbox (Note: it will say, you cannot preview zip files, that's ok, just click download.)
2) Print your coupon for your Duck Tape® below in the green Duck Tape box.
Again, Do it now, before you close this window. :)
3) Read through the entire Program Guide you just downloaded and review the video links in the
separate document included in the download.
4) Gather all your necessary supplies.
There is a complete material list included in the program guide downloaded above.
5) Your Be Kind Stick Together®pledge poster is in your member box.
6) Call 440.442.5683 or
if you have any questions.