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Our mission is to empower students and adults to build communities of kindness, caring, and respect through programs that teach, promote, and provide skills and tools to enable individuals to make positive, values-based decisions every day.
I pledged to Just Be Kind.
Thank you for pledging to Just Be Kind!
Now what?
Report acts of kindness. Use the free Just Be Kind App to report acts of kindness that you see, do, or read about. Save and start using the app now. It will allow you to report acts of kindness and make it easy for you to share to Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Let's flood social media with something positive.
Don't forget to tag @JustBeKindUSA and including #JustBeKind
If you are an educator, sign up for our free school kindness lessons. HERE
The Just Be Kind Campaign is made possible by Values-in-Action, a non-profit that has been part of the fabric of Cleveland for over 27 years. Their mission is simple: create meaningful change on a national level by instilling the values of kindness throughout schools and workplaces.
To learn more about Values-in-Action, go to
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