Dear Friends,
This year, the 20th anniversary of the horrific school shooting at Columbine (April 20, 1999) coincides with Good Friday, Passover and Easter. A coincidence? Maybe. But, I think otherwise.
At Values-in-Action, we believe that goodness and kindness – yes, even love – expressed every day and intentionally can overcome negativity, violence – even bullying and school shootings – in our current society. You can curse the darkness or light a candle. Unfortunately, since Columbine school shootings have not dissipated, bullying overall has increased, and acts of incivility have become rampant.
Our solution is to JUST BE KIND®. Please pass on this simple message – this antidote to violence and negativity – on Good Friday, at Passover Seders and during Easter celebrations. JUST BE KIND®.
Stuart Muszynski
President and CEO
Values-in-Action Foundation
Values-in-Action Foundation | Increases Values | Decreases Bullying | Increases Graduation Rates
"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
- Mark Twain